Friday, December 13, 2013

Prop Development

Okay so first of all Ill show where I got inspiration for my prop and the idea behind what I wanted to create.

So i knew that i wanted my bounty hunter lo-kag to be carrying some sort of multi purpose weapon that he could use for different purposes, after a visit to the Leeds royal armoury i saw a sword there that was like a huge Swiss army knife, It had many different attachments such as a pistol, knife, the sword itself and on the back of the blade a huge cutting edge for sawing, i thought the idea of him having a few different things he needed on the job combined into one weapon was a good idea, and it got me thinking of similar ideas, like the gun blade, below now I will show a few inspirations and then the development of what became my prop in the beauty shot.

A few inspirations below;
This is the image i took when I went on the trip to the Leeds Royal armoury.
The multi purpose weapon.

Squalls Gunblade a large inspiration.

Another pistol Knife I found.

This was looking at the mechanism and how it would work.

Some other cool ideas for a gun blade.

After looking at all of these ideas I decided to try and recreate something that I would like my character to use. here below is what i developed.

This was my gunblade design, I wasnt pleased with this as my final outcome and felt like the design was a little flawed, but the idea was that it would be able to hold different ammo types in the barrels under neath the sword, and all of these ammos would have different effects and jobs such as for example.
  1. A Paralysis gas cannister
  2. A Stun cartridge
  3. A capture Net
  4. Explosive rounds
  5. Normal Buck shot
I thought that weapon turned out okay, but i thought it was perhaps a little too bulky for the jobs he would be doing so I decided to develop another weapon that he would use.

This is My final Prop turnaround, I used the same weapon in my characters Beauty shot and also tied in a similar style background.