Friday, December 13, 2013

Weekly Tasks

Weekly Tasks

Okay so I began these weekly session tasks there wasn't too many of these.

Below are a couple of clouds I created to turn into brushes, these brushes have been helpful in creating a few pieces of work ive done.
The image below i created using the cloud brushes above i was fairly pleased with it as a cloudscape.

The image below we were given of this elven looking archer, I have not drawn this we were given it to basically just colour it in, and below on the right is the result of that.

 Below is the photo manipulation task. I added the sky into the image, looking at it now though i can see that the sun behind the clouds on the left doesn't fit in with where the light is hitting the rock and where the shadow is cast, but I still like the image.
Another image i have manipulated, i added the tower on the left and the clouds into the sky, using the cloud brush that I had created in previous tasks, The lighting on this image fits better than the previous.