Friday, December 13, 2013

Environment Concept and Development

Okay so in my character history, I talked about his spaceship and the bar that Lo-kag hang out at so i wanted to create this image that i had in my head so i spent some time doing some research for my ideas bank.

Here below is some of the research which helped inspire me.

 Above is just some space looking bars that i thought looked cool.
Station bar concept that intrigued me.
In this image I really like the idea of all the people sat around the circle bar, I wanted something like this as a centre piece.
 This image was also a Huge inspiration on me I love the grime feel the use of all the old materials, and bits and pieces, Note the plane engine looking thing above the head of the barman, this idea was something that i went on to include in my concept design.

 The two pictures above were also Just good influencers on what I wanted to create.

Below is a Cool design i came across and it looked like something id like to create.

So after looking at all of the above images and many more I decided to draw something up.

Okay so That's what i drew up as a quick rough concept idea trying to incorporate the feeling of the image above it but something about it just didn't feel right and I didn't pursue it another further and left it.

After that inital drawing i decided to chase the idea of the bar and the circle centre piece feeling so I started drawing the following.
 Okay so this image was base off the other bar images id been looking at, a incorporated bar with an oriental feel using the layered roof like a pagoda.
 I then decided the image needed a bit more so I increased the canvas size and started to paint in some more ideas I had like there being some sort of dirty red light district just through the passage way down the road, and some canopy's over head, I also added what I planned to be a grungy green mouldy pipe that ran over the whole area just trying to add to the feel of a lower wealth area, i had alot of trouble trying to make the stairs and the wall on the right look like it fitted in but then I had another idea that would help tie in the oriental feel some more. So i looked for a style of stairs that would fit. I found the following and incorporated it.

 Here in this image you can see that I changed the back wall to appear like it had been built and plastered in what appears like metal panelling, odd bits and bobs of metals just nailed up onto the wall, I also included the stairs that I found and liked, I thought it helped tie the image together better with the oriental theme.
I had shown this image to Steph and she suggested to remove the empty foreground area, so thats what I did.
I also wanted a dragons head on each of the end of the pagoda feel spikes on the roof, so i developed a dragon that i would have on the end of each bit of the roof.
 I got inspiration for this dragon head from the following images.

Here Was the initial Development of the colouring stage of the environment where I am laying down base colours for each of the objects in the scenery which are split up into separate layers for me to create clipping masks for each of them to develop into.

Unfortunately, I lost my final environment concept due to a power cut which fried one of my SSD's I had running in raid, meaning I lost my final environment concept beauty shot, Which i am very disappointed about as I was very pleased with how it turned out, I think by looking at the development and the images which I have up you can get a good feel for what the final image looked like, I am very disappointed by this but I think my concept was sound and it met the initial idea that i wanted to create, When i look at my design and the ideas about the futuristic oriental feel, I feel like i accomplished that, Just due to unfortunate events I'm unable to show the final image In all its glory.