Friday, December 13, 2013

Character and Concept Ideas

When i was thinking of character ideas about what sort of character i wanted to create i was playing with the idea of a barbarian, i originally wanted a barbarian that would have no ties to any family, a loner that lived for himself travelling and doing whatever his heart told him too, This idea was heavily inspired by me playing Dungeons and dragons at the time and i already have this fictitious character that I play with in a fictional world, but its all in imagination so i thought the idea of my creating this character, and manifesting my ideas of what he looked like into an image rather than the just the words that describe him on paper, but then I moved away form this idea as i wanted to pursue this in my own time at my own pace, also when I began researching concept artists I cam across and artist name Dan Luvisi ( and I love his LMS series and all of his other art work , and that inspired me to make a futuristic bounty hunter, but rather than army and futuristic military inspired, I wanted an oriental themed assassin style character. So thats what I settled on.

Character Name: Lo-Kag

Age; Undefined but maybe mid 20-30's

Race: Human

 From an oriental colony planet in the future. He was an Orphan,  Never knew anything about his parents nor did the people that found him, Perhaps had seen something horrible as a very young child that may have had an impact almost like a stamp on his brain, Grew up as a very dark child dislocated from most other, not sociable at all.

 At present Lo-kag hangs around a bar that serves as his home hub from which he accepts missions from the local tavern owner and goes off in his space ship to complete these tasks, has no real life other than his work, has no ties, lives the life of a mercenary bounty hunter for hire.

 Futuristic setting in a distant future where personal space carrier vehicles are now available and the human race has expanded across the stars with each country from earth making there own colony's creating themed planets, The planet that Lo-Kag is from and lives on is a developed area, has a very oriental theme, not a rich area, rather poor, everything is made from whatever they can find and use and put to use, nothing goes to waste. The Bar he Works from fits  the same theme as the area, its made from whatever they can get there hands on.

 Spends most of his time at the bar eating and drinking, when he is not there he's working out perfecting himself and keeping fit and in shape for future missions and whatever is thrown at him on his next job, no real past times other than eating, drinking and training. He is a dark shady character with a foreboding look, will not get approached other than by a contractor.

 "That Mean looking guy?", The one built like a brick shit house?"
A couple of ways locals talk about the dark figure often sat at the bar keeping himself to himself, Wears loose trousers to prevent any movement restrictions, also soft footpads for silent movement, while on a job, as he's quite a heavy footed large character then these help reduce the noise he makes, as its rather hard to keep inconspicuous when your as large as him. he also wears a vest and gloves, all of his outfit is dark with a oriental feel. He wears a mask that covers majority of his face this works as a heads up display and provides information on targets and also has, built in technology in his one eye, which allows for situational awareness, Perception and tracking of targets. He has a rather light skin complexion, slightly tanned from spending so much time in space, his space ship wind shield could do with a new UV protection layer.

After this I have a very good idea of what i wanted my character to look like, so I began looking for ideas that would fit the vision I had in my head.
 First of all was this guy!

Darkness is his Friend!  Bane!

I also looked into Gilgamesh a recurring character from the final fantasy series.
I like the oriental theme of this character he is a master of all weapons! especially the look of his boots and baggy pants.

Finally i gathered inspiration from Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe!!
This was the final inspiration for my character, now I just wanted to sort of merge the three and draw aspects from all of them.
I also Looked into this guy for alot of inspiration.