Friday, December 13, 2013

Character Development

I began By drawing out a T-Pose of my character.
 His shoulders Look disconnected pointed out by Steph during my presentation on Wednesday.

I Then Began to Draw out my beauty shot Rough Lines.
I Drew and Re-drew this image many times i couldnt keep the legs from looking just... Broken! His head also looked like it was putting an imense strain on his body, but i did like the position of his arm holding the sword and i wanted, to give the sword a bit of perspective as if it was coming at the screen so i re drew the image again using this as a basis.

This is what the re-draw resulted in, i then began to redraw the lines on this image and finish the detailing. 
I was Pleased with how this outline looked and Began to work into it with colours as I was very happy with the look!
This is what I ended up with my final colour image, I was quite pleased with how it turned out and I wanted to develop the background now to give him a setting.

 I experimented with a cloudy looking background with him emerging from the smoke.

I decided I liked the smokey look but I wanted a bit more depth to the image a bit of something going on, so I kept the smokey feel and added some grit beneath his feet.
 I wanted to try something different as I thought the previous image lacked colour and didn't make to image pop, so I decided to add some colour to the smoke and also added the texture to the air.
 In My final Beauty Shot I increased the particles flying in the air and painted them in on a V behind the character giving the image a certain action feel, I also thought it would be a nice idea to add an effect to his blade, I tried to make it look like the smoke wrapped around the blade.
In conclusion I was very pleased with how the Character came out and I was pleased with what I Finished on.