Friday, December 13, 2013

Life Drawing

This is a selection of some of my life drawing work that I created over the weeks that passed.
I feel that I can visibly see a massive difference between my 1st week of life drawings until my last week of life drawing class, The use of colour in my work I feel really helped move my drawings forward, also the use of structure in my art and my knowledge of the body and proportions also greatly improved, I really enjoy life drawing and looked forward to it every week, alot of people complained and couldn't wait to leave but when it came to the final poses, where we would observe and draw for 30/40 minutes at a time I always felt like I wanted more time as I was enjoying working into my piece, I also used a few different types of media such as pencil, chalk, charcoal, pastels.
In Conclusion I felt that life drawing really helped me this year and I thoroughly enjoyed my time.

Id like to say thank you to Sarah and Gordon.

The following drawings are in order of progress over the weeks, the first images are from week 1 and ascending through the weeks until the bottom.



Perspective exercise we did below.

 Below are some quick 2 minute sequence poses, after each 2 minutes he would move.

 In life drawing a view of everything that I could see, the majority so happen to be the person sat in front of me so that's what I drew :D
 Facial expressions exercise.
This week we had two projectors set up and we were drawing from the images that appeared, we had longer on some of the images than others.

 I felt that i had started a good foundation with this image and would of like extra time to fill it in properly.


 This image I managed to capture the movement and the action that was being portrayed in the photo we were drawing from.
 This week I used chalks, I liked my final image using the chalks but I think I started off not so good.

 This image below is another of my favourites this year and I was pleased with it when I was finished.
 The follwing on coloured paper are drawn using Charcoal pencils, so no rubbing out :)

Below are Pastel drawings.


 Below is one of my favourite drawings this year, when I began using pastels I really like it and I believe it helped me with adding shadow and tone.
Below is Our first and last Female life model of the semester. Also Drawn with pastels.

In Conclusion I believe that my drawing came on alot over the course of this semester and i was pleased with many of my finished drawings, especially once i began using pastels.